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About Mentoring

As part of your first-year experience, you will have the opportunity to participate in First-Year Mentoring. Mentoring is designed to assist you as you transition into university life. As such, you will be assigned a trained upperclassman as a peer mentor. Your mentor will be there to answer questions, point out resources, and talk about your overall BYU experience. A huge benefit to a peer mentor is having someone to answer your questions and point you to resources.

What is First-Year Mentoring?

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First-Year Mentoring is a key part of a university-wide initiative to strengthen undergraduate education at BYU. It provides all admitted First-Year students the opportunity for valuable peer mentor support. Our mission is to lead students to greater success by encouraging learning, inspiring reflection, and building relationships through consistent and focused effort.

What is a Peer Mentor?

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A peer mentor is an upperclassman who has been successful in his or her time at BYU. Mentors are available to first-year students to ensure their success in all their endeavors at BYU. Before you come to campus you will have a mentor that will be in contact with you through phone and email. Once you are on campus, you'll get a new mentor that you'll be able to meet with face to face. Mentors are available to answer questions first-year students might have, such as:
  • How can I make the most of my experience here?
  • How can I get involved on campus?
  • Which classes should I take next semester?
  • How many credits should I take?
  • Where can I spend my meal plan money?
  • Is there someone who can edit my paper?
  • How can I get along better with my roommate?
  • Where do I take tests?
  • How can I sign up for a study abroad program?
  • Where is a quiet place for me to study?
  • How can I be effective in a group study?
  • Where can I live my second year?
  • Where are fun weekend activities around Provo?
  • How much should I study for my exam?

Why Should I Participate?

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Participating in First-Year Mentoring is your chance to make the most of BYU from day one. Your mentor can help you answer any questions, big or small, that come up during your first year. You will also have someone to connect you to campus resources, offer study tips, and just listen to you.