GUEST ACCESS Guest Access allows another person access to your BYU account. This is important if you are going on a mission because it allows a parent, or other third party, to access your information and/or complete transactions on your behalf. GUEST ACCESS
EXPLORE HOW TO BYU How do you succeed at BYU? Go to How To BYU! We've combined gems of information that will help you get started. HOW TO BYU
HOUSING Need help finding your home away from home? Check out these options for On- or Off-Campus Housing. ON-CAMPUSOFF-CAMPUS
MEAL PLANS Meal plans help you save time and money so you can focus on what's most important. MEAL PLANS
NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION Be aware that in-person NSO will be on Saturday, January 6th. Look out for more updates in the weekly FYE newsletter. NSO
Online Orientation Modules Complete the interactive modules at your own pace. Finish before you register for classes to be set up for success at BYU! ORIENTATION MODULES
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ACCEPT/DECLINE ADMISSION After being accepted, indicate your intention to come to BYU by accepting or declining admission. If you change your mind about your decision, you can return to your decision screen and update your response anytime before the add/drop deadline. You must attend the semester or term to which you are admitted unless you defer for a mission. ADMISSION STATUS
REGISTER FOR CLASSES Classes fill up fast! Sign in to MyMap to see your registration date and to register for classes. Use the registration cart to have your classes automatically added on your registration date. REGISTERVIEW CART
NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION Be aware that in-person NSO will be on Saturday, January 6th. Look out for more updates in the weekly FYE newsletter. NSO
Online Orientation Modules Complete the interactive modules at your own pace. Finish before you register for classes to be set up for success at BYU! ORIENTATION MODULES
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FINANCIAL AID If you complete the FAFSA application, you may qualify for grants (don't pay back) and loans (eventually pay back) to fund your education. FINANCIAL AID
RENT OR BUY TEXTBOOKS See the best deals on your textbooks by going to MyBooklist. If you want to pick them up in person, go to the BYU Store. MY BOOKLIST
BYU ID CARD You can get your ID card the day after you register for classes. To beat the rush, get your ID card before move-in and orientation! But don’t worry, you can get it when you come for orientation. Dress according to the BYU Dress & Grooming Standards. ID CENTER
BYU APP Find your next class, use Cougar Cash, view test scores, find vending machines, and more! All from your phone. ANDROID DOWNLOADiOS DOWNLOAD
TUBERCULOSIS TEST If you have lived outside of the United States or Canada for six months or more within the last five years, you are required by Utah state law to have a tuberculosis skin test. Call the Student Health Center at (801) 422-2771 to set up an appointment. TB TEST INFO
NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION Be aware that in-person NSO will be on Saturday, January 6th. Look out for more updates in the weekly FYE newsletter. NSO
Online Orientation Modules Complete the interactive modules at your own pace. Finish before you register for classes to be set up for success at BYU! ORIENTATION MODULES
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COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS AND AP/IB SCORES Remember to submit a final transcript with all of your previous college credits and AP/IB scores earned. SUBMIT AP/IB SCORESSUBMIT COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS
OFF-CAMPUS SCHOLARSHIPS To make sure your off-campus scholarship money is received and processed in time, please have the funds sent at least one month before the start of the semester. Funds are processed on a first-come, first-served basis and could take at least 2-3 weeks to process. Scholarship granting organizations generally send the money directly to BYU. OFF-CAMPUS SCHOLARSHIPS
TUITION DEADLINE Tuition is due 7 days before classes start. If you miss this deadline, a hold will be placed on your account and you won’t be able to register for more classes until tuition is paid. MY FINANCIAL CENTER
REGISTER YOUR CAR Register your car to avoid getting a parking ticket! To park in the student lots, you must register and pay a fee every semester. REGISTER YOUR CAR
STUDENT HEALTH PLAN Students with 9+ credits are automatically enrolled in BYU's Student Health Plan the week before classes start. If you already have private insurance, make sure to report it in your Financial Center to avoid being charged. The add/drop deadline is the last day to waive the BYU Student Health Plan. VIEW HEALTH PLAN
NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION Be aware that in-person NSO will be on Saturday, January 6th. Look out for more updates in the weekly FYE newsletter. NSO
Online Orientation Modules Complete the interactive modules at your own pace. Finish before you register for classes to be set up for success at BYU! ORIENTATION MODULES
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NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION Be aware that in-person NSO will be on Saturday, January 6th. Look out for more updates in the weekly FYE newsletter. NSO
Online Orientation Modules Complete the interactive modules at your own pace. Finish before you register for classes to be set up for success at BYU! ORIENTATION MODULES
FIRST DAY OF CLASSES Give yourself plenty of time to find your classes the first time. Try to find them the day before or ask an upperclassman for help! To see your classrooms, check the BYU App under "My Classes" or view on MyMap. MYMAP
ADD/DROP DEADLINE Your class schedule must be finalized before 11:59pm 7 days after classes start. You can not add or drop a class after this date. Go to MyMap to make changes to your schedule. MYMAP
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FIND A JOB BYU employs hundreds of students on campus each year. Working part-time can give you valuable experience and prepare you for a meaningful career. SEARCH STUDENT JOBS
CLUBS There are all kinds of clubs at BYU from academic topics like Neuroscience and Anthropology, or just plain fun like ping pong and salsa dancing. There's something for everyone! FIND YOUR NICHE
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WITHDRAW DEADLINE The withdraw deadline is 10 weeks after the start of the semester (typically in the middle of March) and is the last day to withdraw from a class. This will remove the class from your schedule with a "W" on your transcript instead of a grade. Consider how this could affect financial aid, scholarships, on-campus housing, and student employment. LEARN MORE
DISCONTINUANCE DEADLINE Discontinuing means withdrawing from all your classes for the current semester. This may affect your transcript, financial aid, scholarships, on-campus housing and student employment. It may also mean you need to reapply to BYU. The discontinuance deadline is 10 weeks after the start of the semester. LEARN MORE