Going to school costs money. Luckily, there are multiple ways to pay for school. In this section you will learn about how much it can cost to attend BYU, specific fees, methods to have enough funds, and how to make the payments.
How Much Will it Cost?
The Cost of Attendance is an average of what it will cost you to attend BYU. It includes your tuition, room and board, books and supplies, personal expenses, transportation, and fees. Your overall costs may vary depending on personal spending choices. Start planning today by looking at the average costs of attending BYU.
Tuition is always due seven days before classes start. If you don’t pay tuition by the deadline, a hold will be placed on your account, meaning you can’t register for more classes until tuition is paid. The absolute final deadline to pay tuition is the add/drop deadline (six school days after classes begin), or else your classes may be dropped. Tuition charges can be seen on My Financial Center about a month before the beginning of semesters and terms.
Tip: Take a full load of courses (12+ credits during fall/winter semesters) to save money.
You can find a list of the current tuition costs here.
My Financial Centeris the place for all of your BYU-related finances. Some features include paying tuition and charges, applying for financial aid and scholarships, managing Cougar Cash, setting up direct deposit, and more.
Check your financial YMessages and tasks in My Financial Center regularly for important information regarding your student account.
After tuition and books, the cost of attending BYU will depend on your spending choices. It’s important to be frugal to avoid unnecessary debt. Review these tips and resources for Smart Spending to learn how to wisely use your limited college budget.
Academic Scholarships Full tuition and half tuition awards will be determined on the basis of available funding and the qualifications of the candidates. The deadline for academic scholarships was when you applied for admission to BYU. You must reapply each year to be considered for a scholarship.
Department Scholarships Students can receive department and college scholarships in addition to university scholarships. Contact both your department and your college advisement center for additional opportunities. Each department/college determines its own scholarship recipients and may have different deadlines and application forms.
Off-Campus Scholarships An off-campus scholarship is a scholarship you receive from an organization other than BYU. The organization generally sends the money directly to BYU. Enter Scholarship Universe for a curated collection of scholarships just for you. Scholarship Universe is a third-party software system that is licensed by BYU. This free service specifically tailors scholarship opportunities to you based on information you include in your profile.
Scholarships will appear in your student account. If you have extra scholarship money after your charges are paid, the money will be refunded to you after the third day of classes. To see your scholarship awards, visit My Financial Center Scholarship Summary.
Grants and loans for educational purposes are available through the U.S. Government. The amount of money you're eligible for is based on your overall financial situation. Everyone is eligible for some type of federal financial aid. To apply, submit a FAFSA to BYU.
Enhance your BYU experience by working on campus. Students can work on campus as soon as they graduate from high school. Students may work up to 20 hours during Fall/Winter semesters, and up to 40 hours during Spring/Summer terms.*
Remember to bring documentation with you in order to be hired in the timeliest manner. In order to fill out the federal Form I-9, you will need documents that are NOT expired, photocopied, or laminated. If you have questions contact the Student Employment Office 2024 WSC, 801-422-3562.
*International cannot exceed 20 hours of work during Spring/Summer.
A personalized list of all the textbooks you need for your classes every semester can be found in BYU's MyBooklist app. Log in, view your textbook list, and view the purchasing options for each item (note the price comparison). While this is not an exhaustive list, here are some options for buying your books:
BYU students enrolled 3/4 time or more (9+ credits) are required to have health insurance year round. Each student is automatically enrolled in BYU's Student Health Plan one week prior to the start of classes if private insurance has not been reported. This charge will appear on your student account. You may waive the BYU Student Health Plan if you are already covered by a different health insurance plan.
The deadline to waive the BYU Student Health Plan is the semester add/drop deadline.