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Service and Social Involvement

BYU Choirs

(801) 422-7495 | | 3209 MB

Sing with the BYU Choirs! Our five choral organizations offer all students, both graduate and undergraduate, an opportunity for training, experience, and personal growth in all aspects of the choral art. Check out our site for information on auditions.

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BYU Student Wellness

(801) 422-3644 | | 112 RB

Wellness is the active pursuit of your best self! BYU Student Wellness is here to help students find their flow as they journey through the ups and downs of student life.

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BYUSA (BYU Student Service Association)

(801) 244-3901 | | 3400 WSC

BYUSA is BYU's connection and leadership organization. Our events cultivate culture and provide meaningful student experiences.

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Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

(801) 422-3035 | 1500 WSC

CAPS is the primary mental health service for BYU students. We offer a range of services aimed at helping students maintain mental fitness.

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Student Connection and Leadership Center

(801) 422-3901 | | 3400 WSC

The SCL Center inspires students to create lasting connections, foster an inclusive campus, cultivate skills and talents, and live with integrity. The center is a place for students to come together to create programs and events which elevate the BYU experience for all students. Student volunteers work with campus employees to provide Christ-centered leadership opportunities and create meaningful student-focused experiences. Come get involved. Feel free to call, email, follow us @BYUSCLCenter, or visit the center any time between 8am-5pm Monday through Friday.

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(801) 422-8686 | | 2330 WSC

Student leaders and volunteers join together in dedicating their time and talents to individuals and non-profit organizations in the Utah Valley. Our seventy different programs range from tutoring and mentoring to arts and athletics, giving every student a chance to develop and discover their talents. When students take time out of their busy schedules to meet others' needs, they simultaneously grow intellectually, spiritually, and socially! Check out our website to learn more about each regular service opportunity and leadership position or come into our office to get help choosing a program that fits you.

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